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Sabra Jones

SharePoint Administrator

I grew up in San Diego surrounded by computers. My father worked in the industry and often brought them home to work on. I began to take interest in helping with some of the repair work on old laptops and towers, pretty much anything he brought home. Later in my teen years I started to tag along with my father to network installations, assisting him with running cables and setting up offices. It wasn’t long before I was working for my fathers company learning computer programming.
While this world came naturally to me, I had many interests. I took a break to study interior design and CAD. Then I took a brief detour working in cinematography. At the same time I expanded into the construction field, working side by side with a general contractor for some years.
Later on I worked inside the office of a flooring company. I worked in just about every department until I finally landed back in the computer world as the company’s Systems Manager. Thus began my introduction to Sharepoint. It didn’t take long to become accustomed to Sharepoint. Coupled with the experience I had gained while working in other departments of the company, I found my task of migrating the company onto Sharepoint insightful. I enjoyed the process of collaborating with employees and developing new processes for their workflow on Sharepoint. 
I have since then moved away from San Diego to Stockholm, Sweden. Amongst other things, this has allowed me the opportunity to discover a new working culture and increased my insight into the workplace flow. I currently work with Sharepoint in a freelance capacity.

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